This computer, information system and all information contained herein is the property of Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. The Company and their authorised personnel reserve the right to monitor and record all activity on all Company-provided equipment and services for analysis or investigation purposes. Anyone using this computer, information system is deemed to have consented to such monitoring and recording.
You shall ensure that no unauthorised third party can access your computer, information system account with the Company, and you will be held responsible for any misuse or unauthorised access by such third party. You shall further ensure that all activities performed on any Company computers, information system and networks comply with (1) the Company's rules, procedures and guidelines and (2) any laws or regulations (including but not limited to laws relating to copyright).
Individuals found to be violating any of the above obligations, or using this computer, information system without authority or in excess of their authority given by the Company, shall be subjected to disciplinary and/or legal actions as the Company deem fit. These actions include reporting any legal violations to the relevant authorities, claiming monetary compensation from these individuals or terminating their employment.